Thursday, August 2, 2012

Boarding Pass Artwork

It's been a while since my last post because we were in Asbury Park, New Jersey on holiday at The Shore visiting family and friends.  I think that's exit 7 for those in the know.  It's always good to catch up with everyone.  While we were there I was telling my partner's brother what it's like going through security at the airport these days.

Before you get in line the security line you have to show your ID and boarding pass, then again at the other end of the queue just before the x-ray and full body scan you present your ID and boarding pass to another TSA agent seated at a podium.  The agent shines a neon looking flashlight over your ID, waves your boarding pass over a little window on the podium, then proceeds to scribble nonsense all over it.  Then they initial it as if they've just created a work of art.  This sounds like I'm prone to hyperbole, right?  Not at all.

Then we check into the Newark Airport for our flight home and get in line for security.  The TSA agent, pen at the ready, did exactly as I described above.  She circled some information and put a line through other details.  Great, now I have to check the monitor to see which gate because the number is obscured by the "artwork".  Then she initials it and hands it back to me.  My partner went through right after me and the TSA agent barely touched her pen to her pass.  What's up with that?

Today, we're at the airport again.  This time I've got the paper boarding pass and my partner used her mobile to display the boarding pass and she went through first.  She presented her ID and a quick wave of the mobile over the little window and she was done.  Then I step up and hand the agent my ID and boarding pass.  The TSA agent grabbed her pen and as if making up for lost scribbling went to town on my boarding pass.  And then she initialed it.  Now I have three boarding pass works of art within the last week.  I'm thinking a couple more and I'll frame them and maybe have a showing at a gallery.

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